Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Best of 2007

Seeing old friends at Lindsay's wedding and feeling like we hadn't missed a beat

Celebrating our five year wedding anniversary

Sitting in our new hot tub on a cold night for the first time

My sister Sherry's surprise 40th birthday party. Seeing everyone come from all over Texas and Louisiana to surprise her was so sweet!
Watching our boys play with our nieces and nephews and have such a great time

Getting my camera to capture all my favorite moments
My baby boy turning one
Eric surprising me with an iPod for my birthday filled with all my favorite music and pictures. It was so
thoughtful and a complete surprise!
My big boy turning two

Camping with our boys

Eric surprising me at my 5 mile race by bringing the boys up to cheer me on
My dad taking Ethan fishing
Sleeping in a nice hotel room on our anniversary in a
super comfy bed and knowing I could sleep in as late as I wanted
Our girls weekend away at Emma Long Park in the camper

Taking the kids to the zoo for the first time
Pier One Kids 90% off sale. We hit the jackpot on that one!
Going to Gruene Hall with Sammy and Chris to celebrate my 31st birthday

Watching my kids faces on Christmas morning

Some of my favorite moments were just simple moments spent with Eric and my boys. There are times when I just look at my family and thank God for all he has given me. Those are my soak it all in moments and they are what made 2007 so special.


  1. Very nice! 2007 was a great year for you. I wish you and your family all the best for 2008 : )

  2. Those sound like wonderful memories! It is the simple things in life that make it special.
