Thursday, December 13, 2007

My new toy

Eric got me a new camera for Christmas and he let me open it early! I love it! I am really interested in photography and it's my newest addictive hobby. The camera is a Nikon D40x. I have a lot to learn about it and I actually look forward to reading the owner's manual believe it or not. It's fun to try out all the different modes and compare flash versus no flash. Here are some random shots we took with it. Anyone interested in taking a photography class with me?

Our little climber

Eric's fabulous Christmas lights

Cheese and cheese


  1. Awesome!!!I am so excited for you! You want to practice someday soon with josie and mazzy??;)

  2. Your pictures are great, but then, they always were. I hope you love your camera.

  3. Looks great. Especially the one with the Christmas lights. Those are hard to take usually.
