Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The adventures of Ethan

Ethan had a great time outside today. He was so happy to be outdoors after being cooped up in the house because of the cold weather. He didn't even mind me snapping all these pictures of him!
We went to the gym today and the lady in the childcare center said that he was such a happy little boy. He really is. He has the sweetest smile and such bright eyes. Don't get me wrong, he can be a huge stinker too, but nothing is better than the hugs and kisses he gives.

He LOVES the parking garage his Gege and Grandaddy gave him for Christmas. He will play for a long time by himself as long as his brother doesn't come along and steal a car. He loves sorting the cars and pushing them down the ramps. He is such a builder and sorter. I can't wait to see what he will be when he grows up!

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