Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Hand stamped jewelry

I stumbled across Lisa Leonard's blog a couple months ago and really enjoyed reading it. She makes stamped, handmade jewelry that is so sweet. She has two adorable boys and she takes great photos. My sister bought me a piece of her jewelry for Christmas and I can't wait to see it! This is a picture on her blog of her newest necklace and I just love it. I'm not much of a jewelry wearer, but I'm trying to branch out. I love the handmade look and I love that it's personalized. All orders have to be submitted by December 5th, so if you want one order it soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love the jewelry. I just ordered a gift for Ray and I'm going to email this blog to him and tell him to feel free to pick anything out for me for any gift giving occasions.
