Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year. We always have so much fun playing games, eating, opening presents and spending time together. We watched Christmas Vacation and Elf too. Those are my very favorite Christmas movies.
We gave the boys a Cars table and chairs today. They love it! They colored on it and actually wanted to sit down to eat lunch.

Everyone had fun playing outside and enjoying the nice cold weather. Taylor even swings with a cell phone attached to her ear.

We played Tripoli with the board Kai made us this afternoon. Sherry won and I was the biggest loser. It was fun though, and the Ethan and Austin loved "helping".

We have a tradition of reading "The Night Before Christmas". We sit on the floor in a circle and pass the presents when we read the word and. If you get your own present, you get to open it. We always get a new pair of pajamas. Have you ever seen a kid so happy to get pajamas? We headed to our favorite picture taking spot today. Here are some of the shots we got.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. The tree pictures are awesome. We have to go there soon! I love Austin's pj's and house shoes. Too cute : ) Merry Christmas!!
