Sunday, December 30, 2007

Baby things

I spent this morning organizing Austin's closet. Every couple months or so I have to go through the boys' clothes and move out what's too small. Ethan's outgrown clothes get moved to Austin's closet and Austin's get sorted and put in tubs.

Here's the dilemma; I can't get rid of their baby clothes. I have gotten rid of their play clothes and older clothes, but I keep my very favorite outfits. The problem is I have five tubs worth of favorite outfits. I do plan having a baby quilt made with their baby clothes, but I know I don't need that many clothes to do it! Also, if we have another baby boy, he will need the clothes. OK, I think that's enough justification. Hopefully someday I will be able to part with them.

While going through the closet, I came across Ethan and Austin's special boxes. I love boxes filled with sentimental things, so my friend Erica bought me my first box to put Ethan's baby stuff in. His first rattle, pacifier clip, beanie hat, tiny diaper and his first birthday candle are in there.

Austin's box is filled with his tiny shoes, rattles, pacifier and his hospital ID bracelet. I have a bigger box to put some of their favorite toddler things in too. I love the idea of going back and seeing all their favorite baby things when they are older.

Just seeing them now made me get a little case of baby fever. Crazy, I know!


  1. I am looking forward to the day you decide to part with the clothes;) I love the little box idea.

  2. You are so organized. Look at that closet. I just can't seem to keep up with all my stuff! I'm in a cleansing process at my house where I get rid of as much stuff as possible! There's just no room left for anything!

  3. I love the little boxes, too. The shoes are sooo sweet. Just think of what they'll be like in 20 years.
