Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yesterday's Hodge Podge

I sure love this kid.

Austin swang in the big boy swing all by himself and did great!

I finished Ethan's owl. I used an old plaid shirt of his to make the belly. He really likes it. Now I just need to finish one for Austin. Ethan layed out all his Disney books on his train table and put his trains all in a row on top. He loves to sort and organize things. Here is a picture of him standing proudly by his work.


  1. Ethan's owl is awesome. I can't wait to see Austin's. I love the picture of Austin sitting on the floor. He looks like an angel.

  2. Wow, his owl did turn out great. You should be proud! We haven't finished ours yet. Austin's hair looks so blonde in the swing pic. I didn't even recognize him!

  3. Oh my goodness, they are getting so big. We really need to get together soon, I miss you!
