Saturday, November 24, 2007

Taking the plunge

Well, the Longhorns lost the game against A&M. Since Eric and Kai have a running bet every year about the game, Eric had to jump in the lake. It was 42 degrees outside and there was not a ray of sunshine in sight. He did great though and had his horns up the whole time!

Jennifer and Kai are Aggies, so they taught Ethan to say "Gig 'em" the first night we were here. We retaliated by teaching Jake the UT horns.

Ethan loved helping Uncle Kai finish the 1000 piece puzzle.

These kids love the computer almost as much as their mommies.

Cute cousins

Here are some pictures of the kids glued to the TV. Gotta love those Little Einsteins!


  1. I really thought the Horns were going to pull through and win it. Oh well. Looks like you guys had a great time;)

  2. Wow, Eric looks pretty good in his bathing suit for it being the end of November! Near the end of the game, I told Ray and Dave I'd run to the end of our street and back in an orange bikini if the horns pulled off a win. I'm kind of glad I'm not posting that picture today : ) Your pictures are great.

  3. Great pics Lisa. The lakehouse at Thanksgiving sounds like so much fun.

  4. You always remember to take lots of great pics. I wish I'd taken more this weekend. I need to learn how to do that picture collage thing like you did at the bottom. It's awesome!
