Thursday, November 8, 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words

My friend Stephen takes beautiful photographs. He came to my house when both of our babies were born and took newborn photos. He did an awesome job! He is so artistic and really captures moments.

Stephen has started a project that he calls the "Potty Project." He takes pictures of people on the potty doing different things. For my potty pic, I decided to do a realistic shot of a mother and what a typical bathroom break is like. I know this isn't the most glamorous shot to put on my blog, but I love the realness of it. Some days are tough for us mommas and it's nice to know everyone has those days!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love that potty shot. It is one of my all time favorite pictures of you!

  2. I love those pictures!! Look how little Ethan was! He's so big now.

  3. LOve it! the potty shot should be in your profile..well, not really but its perfect!

  4. Yes, the potty shot speaks volumes about the realities of motherhood. Stephen is truly talented. I can't wait for him to take some pictures of me and my babies.

  5. Oh- Lisa! This is a great photo! And how real it is for us moms!

  6. Oh- I forgot to mention that I LOVE the first photo. It is a beautiful picture of your family.

  7. Lisa, this is sooooo great! I LOVE it! You crack me up!
