Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lazy days

I just love weekends. It's nice to have Eric home and spend time together as a family. We had a very lazy weekend that included lots of football and napping. The weather was beautiful so we hung out outside a lot too.

Eric played golf today, so the boys and I headed over to my parents' house. They cooked breakfast for us and took the boys on a walk around the block. I love having my parents close by. The boys love to go to their house and see their coo-coo clock, garden animal statues and rocks. Ethan wanted to stay and said "bye momma" when we were leaving. He only agreed to leave because I told him Daddy would be home later.

Grandma's chairs from Sunday school when she was a little girl

Walking with Grandpa


  1. I know what you mean about nice, lazy weekends. We had a lazy Sunday. We needed it.

  2. How nice to have your parents so close, and look at everyone in shorts. They say it might snow here tonight..... but I think that will be in cloudcroft and not here..... hopefully.
