Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I feel truly blessed every day for all that God has given me. Here are just some of the things I am thankful for...

My husband... I am so thankful to have such a supportive husband. He is an amazing dad and the boys and I love him so much.
My boys... Sometimes I can't help but gush when I see my sweet little boys. I'm head over heals in love with them. Sure, there are tough days with two boys under 3, but I try to cherish the good moments and survive the tough ones.
Family... Eric and I both thankful for our families. Our parents are loving and supportive. We always have a great time spending time with our sisters and their families. We love watching our nieces and nephews grow up.
Friends.... I love my friends and feel really lucky to have each one of them.
On our wedding day, I remember sitting at the table eating dinner with our families. Eric told me to stop eating for a minute and take a look at everything around us. We looked around the candlelit room and saw all of our family and friends around us. We felt so loved and really had a moment to enjoy it all. If he wouldn't have said anything, I would have run around in a blur all night. I want my life to have that clarity and not be a big blur. That's why I try to soak it all in every day and thank God for all he has blessed us with.

That's enough of my sentimental Thanksgiving talk. Here are some pictures of us enjoying each other. It's been really fun even with 6 adults, 7 kids and 4 dogs. The cold front blew in yesterday afternoon and it got really chilly! The wind was really strong and the leaves were falling from the trees like rain. We roasted smores last night and the kids loved it.

We had a wonderful turkey lunch today with all the trimmings. We ate until we were stuffed and then enjoyed an afternoon chasing around the kids. We played Yahtzee tonight and Austin really enjoyed getting right in the middle of it!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Lisa, I'm looking at all of these awesome pictures and there are none of you. Make someone take pictures of you every once in a while! The tiny picture of you on your profile is very good.

  2. Exactly what Erica said! I know it is hard though. I am ALWAYS the one taking the pictures.
