Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dusty shoes

Last night I ran for the first time in three weeks. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to run very far, but I did fine and ran two miles. It felt great and I was so happy to run again. My iPod ran out of battery after my warm up and I ran two miles in silence. I then realized just how much I love my iPod and Nike+!

After I accomplished running the 5 mile race, I took a running hiatus. I'm still trying to find balance to fitting running in my schedule. The time change is really going to make it more difficult. I can't run in the dark because I can't see well. My solution is to either get up early and run or get a double jogging stroller and go around 5pm. The morning might work since the sun will be rising earlier and I could go before the boys wake up. I like the idea of going around 5 so I can get it done before Eric gets home and then make dinner. Now we just have to see if the boys will sit in the stroller for 45 minutes!

I'm happy that I dusted off my running shoes!

1 comment:

  1. Yea Lisa! Doesn't it feel wonderful to run in the cool, crisp fall air?
