Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lean on me

At church this Sunday we learned about intimacy with friends and loved ones. They said how important it is to have close relationships with friends and really share yourself with others. I feel very blessed with truly amazing friends. It's comforting to know that there are friends that love you for who you are and are always there to support you. I heard recently that most relationships don't last longer than 10 years. One opinion as to why is that people change and grow apart. I enjoy the fact that I have friends that are very different than me. Rebecca is my oldest friend and we have known each other 20 years! Becky is my friend I met in junior high, Jennifer I met in high school, and Sammy in college. Kim is my new friend that Sammy introduced me to after she decided we must have been separated at birth since we are so much alike. Sam and Sarah are my neighbors and I'm also happy to say that they are my friends too! Now I have to mention Erica, Mindy and Priscilla since they are very dear friends who I have known over 7 years. I love having friends to talk to throughout the day so I have some adult conversations!

It's so fun to see my boys have friends even at their young ages. Austin lights up when he sees Tye and they have so much fun together. Ethan and Keira are adorable together and talk about each other when they aren't around. My hope is that our boys will stay close and be great friends. Who else will they be able to talk to about their crazy parents? I feel very lucky to have my sister Sherry who not only is my big sis, but also my friend.


  1. I feel just as lucky to have a friend like you;)

  2. Crazy moms need crazy mommy friends!! I'm glad I have a friend like you to share in my madness : ) I love the picture of you and Rebecca. You both look beautiful.
