Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Football and worms

Eric let Ethan stay up late last night to watch Monday Night football with him. Ethan was yelling "Go Cowboys" and was so excited. If I went anywhere near him he would say "no bed momma, I watch football with Daddy!" It was really cute! Poor Austin was worn out, so he went to bed early.

The weather was awesome today! It gave us a tiny glimpse of fall! We played outside and had a good time. Austin found a worm and probably would have nibbled on it if I would have let him. Here is a picture of my dirty baby holding a worm. Oh the joys of boys! I am sure I have a lot more worms and football games ahead of me with two boys!


  1. You can tell by the way Austin is holding his worm that he is very proud of it. Ethan looks thrilled to be watching Monday Night Football. Both traditions will continue for years to come, I'm sure!
