Thursday, October 18, 2007

Babies, babies everywhere!

Last night was girl's night at Sammy's house. It was really fun. We had a great smorgasbord of food and lots of fun conversation. Most talk these days is about babies. Four of the eight girls there are pregnant! We will have a total of 12 kids between us. :)

In the past week, I have held two newborn girls and been around my pregnant friends. While the baby girls did make my heart melt, I am not quite ready for another one. I am enjoying tight jeans, bikinis, running, drinking and being free to do whatever I want! I was pregnant or nursing for three years straight!


  1. I had so much fun with you guys! Thank you again for everything!! You are such a great friend!

  2. I had a great time, too!! It was a lovely way to spend the evening after such a long day.
