Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here it goes!

After much prodding from Sammy, I decided to start my own blog!

My parents thought it would be a good idea to bring over M&Ms today. Austin loved his first taste of chocolate. Would you believe Ethan wouldn't even try them? He refuses to eat most foods, so I don't know why it surprised me. We also played with a sticker book. They love spending time with their grandparents!

I'm very excited about the new season of TV shows. The Office, Grey's Anatomy and Brother's and Sisters are my favorite shows. It's really hard to fit in running, cooking, eating, laundry, straightening up the house, bathing the boys and putting the boys to bed in one night! Thank goodness for DVRs! I just got one in my bedroom so I can happily fold laundry in there.

I started running regularly in August. I'm happy to say that I can now run three miles without stopping. I am not a born runner and I had to work very hard to get to this point. One year ago my friends and I started running 5ks. We thought it would be a good motivation to run, we could support great charities and spend time together. Our big 5 mile race is in less than two weeks. Our 5K running group has grown and it's been fun to see all the changes we have been through in one year. Sammy and Sam are now pregnant and will be walking it and Sarah & Erica will be racing to the finish line. I'm very proud of all of us!

Hairy Man 5k 2006

1 comment:

  1. It makes me happy to hear how well you are doing with your running. Keep it up!
    And I am so glad you decided to become a blogger!
