Friday, September 28, 2007

From stir crazy to frazzeled!

Last night I got in my car to head to a friend's house and I realized I hadn't left the house in 4 days. No wonder I was going crazy! Normally, I try to get out of the house every day. I will usually run to the grocery store, go to girl's night or take the boys somewhere when I can. This week was different because I had a migraine on Tuesday and it made me feel bad for a couple days. Also, Eric is working on redoing the deck, so he was outside a lot leaving me inside to get the boys ready for bed. So the lesson learned is that I have to get out of the house no matter what if I want to keep my sanity!

Today had promise to be a nice, fun-filled day. It did not turn out that way though! After dropping Ethan off at preschool, I was going to head over to Pier One Kids to check out their latest shipment. They are going out of business and prices have gone from 50%-75% off. I bought a bunk bed and dresser set for the boys, but needed one more dresser. I showed up at the store at 10 am and there were 8 ladies already waiting. They informed me the store doesn't open until 11 and if I wanted anything, I better wait in line. My friend Erica met me there so we could work as a team to get the good stuff. There was a sign on the door that said 90% off, so we decided it was worth waiting an hour! There was one very obnoxious lady in line that made it very clear that she was first in line and that all the dressers were taken. It's remarkable to me how crazy people can be! The doors opened and I raced to the counter. Erica ran around getting scu numbers off the furniture we wanted. Sure enough, the crazy lady snatched up all the dressers in the color we wanted. Erica did get a really nice bed for super cheap. After she paid for it, we decided to shop accessories. We bought tons of cute gifts and Christmas presents for next to nothing. My very favorite find is this motorcycle I got for the boys. It was regularly $150 and I got it for $15! I can't wait for the boys to wake up from their nap and see it! All and all, it was worth the stress! I raced home in time to get Austin from my poor working hubby and raced off to pick up Ethan from school. I arrived just on time. They are both napping and I am trying to get unfrazzeled! Of course as soon as I write that, my little sweetie wakes up! Oh the joys of being a mom!

1 comment:

  1. I love the motorcycle!
    You are ALWAYS finding great deals! Leaving the house definitely helps. Although, the last few times I have gotten out with all three girls, I have left feeling a little bit more crazy!
