School happenings

Austin was Orville Wright for his third grade Living Museum.  Isn't he just adorable?  He had to give a two minute speech about Orville Wrights life.

Ethan and Lauren's classes got to hear his speech.  He did great and we were so proud of him! 

Lauren got to bring her class stuffed animal Jackson home with her last week.  

They chased butterflies.

 He sat on her lap while she swung.

 She even let him sleep in her pajamas.  She loved having Jackson come visit!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Field Trips 2015

Ethan's 4th grade field trip went to Pioneer Days.

They learned about making butter, quilts, candles, beekeeping and much more.  It was fun and educational.

 Lauren's kindergarten field trip was to Sweet Berry Farms.

They learned about goats and got to feed them.

They planted pumpkin seeds.

They each got a ladybug to release on the strawberry plants.  Lauren named her ladybug Cupcake.

They got to pick a berry basket full of strawberries.

I had the best time watching her interact with her friends and enjoy the activities.

Austin's field trip was on a Duck Tour and parents weren't able to go. He had fun though and next year I can go to all three!  :)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Our life on Instagram


Nothing is better than snuggling with these guys on the couch! 

 Eric and I were sitting on the deck the other night and the weather was awesome.  I asked him to go get the kids so they could enjoy it with us.  He brought them outside like this!  So funny!

The Wooden Oar Kettle Corn at Wimberley Market Days is still going strong. We love our once a month business!

Eric and I stayed in San Marcos the night before Market Days so we could have a date night.  It was so fun!  We went to Gristmill and ate all our favorite foods at the place we met.  Such great memories!

Lauren had her yearly checkup the other day.  That night,  she said "I have to brush my teeth like the Germotologist said to!".  It was so funny!  Love our little stinker!

Austin's 9th birthday

We celebrated Austin's 9th birthday with friends at an indoor soccer field.

Our sports lover had the best time playing with all his friends!

They played soccer, flag football, and dodge ball and had a blast! 

Happy 9th Birthday Austin!  We love you!