Monday, March 28, 2011

Carrey's birthday weekend

This weekend I went on a fun getaway to celebrate Carrey's birthday!  Jaime, Patty, Kristy, Carrey and I had so much fun!  We started off our trip shopping at the San Marcos Outlet mall and eating at Centerpoint Station. 

We stayed in Wimberley at Carrey's in-law's gorgeous ranch on the river.

We went on walks, ate yummy food, relaxed and did lots of sewing. 

I started working on Austin's quilt.  I cut some new squares and circles, sewed the circles on the squares and cut them up again. 

We took a break to go into town to eat at Cypress Creek Cafe.  It's my favorite place to eat in Wimberley and it did not disappoint.

This is what happened when I sew circles after midnight.

It was a wonderful weekend and I'm so glad I got celebrate Carrey's birthday with her!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Break Camping

We spent last weekend with Eric's parents and sister's family at Lake Whitney.  McGown Park is beautiful and the camping spots were nice and big. 

When we arrived at the campground, we learned the burn ban was in effect and all fires were prohibited including charcoal grills.  Since we had only brought food to grill, we ran to town to buy a table top propane grill.  It worked great!  I didn't miss the campfire one bit.

We kids were B U S Y all day long.  The boys loved playing pirates on the playscape.  Aren't they tough?

We sat around in a circle and played a game where we told a story one word at a time.  The stories we came up with were quite entertaining!  Gege brought paint and the kids had fun painting rocks.

Gege and the girls painted Lauren's toes for the first time.  She was so excited!


We kept ourselves entertained by going on wagon rides, playing patty cake, throwing the frisbee and playing three different kinds of games with balls.

Eric's parents took their boat, so we went fishing on the lake.  Ethan discovered he no longer wants to be a fisherman.

Austin loved driving the boat.  Ok, he loved pretending to drive the boat.

Gege caught two fish and I caught one.  Woo hoo!


The boys put on a puppet show with the foam animals they made.  It was so cute! 

Ethan and Austin love their cousin Jake.  They had the best time running around together all weekend. 

It was the perfect camping weekend!  The kids had a great time playing together.  Jake, Ethan and Austin were inseparable and Emmy and Abby were so good with Lauren.  The adults got to relax a bunch and enjoy watching the kids. We already miss everyone and can't wait to see them again!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Max's quilt

I finished my fourth quilt!  I made it for Sammy's baby boy Max.  I'm linking up to Amy's Sew & Tell for the first time! 

I used Modern Meadow fabrics and some random aqua and mustard fabrics I found at the Houston quilt show. It measures 38 inches square.

I quilted on my machine for the first time and I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Seriously, how cute is this duck? He matched so well I just couldn't resist taking his picture on the quilt.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any cuter...

Baby Max!  He makes my heart melt. All babies should be this happy and sweet.

I hope you love your quilt Max!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

back to the farm

Monday we loaded up our ducks to take them back to the farm in Taylor.  The kids love going to the farm to see all the animals. 

The kids had fun searching for goose eggs in the flower bed. 

Our attempt at a group picture.

The boys put Donald, Daisy, Yogi and Cindy in their new home on the farm.  They will stay in the cage until they are big enough to be in a bigger pen with other birds. 
It was hard to say goodbye to our sweet little ducks.  They are the cutest things and we will miss them!  Hopefully they will love their new home on the farm and the dog and cat in this picture will leave them alone!

Monday, March 14, 2011

PBS Kids at SXSW

Saturday I was fortunate to attend to the SXSW PBS Kids Interactive Brunch for momma bloggers.

Our family loves PBS, so it was very exciting to meet the masterminds behind all our favorite PBS shows and the team responsible for the interactive online site.  The boys love playing on  It's educational and fun!    

Stephanie, Sammy and me

I did geek out a little when I met Linda Simensky, the Senior Director of Children's Programming for PBS.  Her passion for kids' education was inspiring!

Some of our favorite PBS shows are Dinosaur Train, Word World and Cat in the Hat.  If you haven't watched them with your kids or visited the PBS Kids website, you must check it out!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

duck overload

This post contains entirely too many pictures of cute ducklings and happy kids. 

We let the ducks go for their first swim and they loved it!


How cute are those webbed feet?

Lauren loves the ducks.

I mean really loves the ducks!

We had a fun afternoon hanging out in the backyard with our baby ducks.  Tomorrow we take them to the farm.  We sure will miss them!  We really enjoyed this last month and are so grateful Erica let us borrow her incubator!