Monday, June 30, 2008

one of the boys

Tye came over to visit today while his mommy and daddy were in the hospital having his baby brother! We picked him up from school and the boys were so happy to see each other! They played inside, outside, and all around. It was fun to have him over. He is just like one of our family.

The boys even hugged goodnight when they were all ready for bed. Tye had fun with his friends and was ready to meet his new brother Daniel the next day!

Friday, June 27, 2008

fun with friends

Erica was brave enough to bring her kids over yesterday to play. We had six little kids four and under running around. The kids had a picnic in the living room while watching Annie. They were mesmerized by the singing orphans.

We always attempt to take a group picture of the kids. Most of our attempts are unsuccessful. This one turned out pretty cute.

Last night we had a grown up play time. We met at Sammy's for fish tacos, carmel apples and chocolate covered strawberries. We ate like it was our last meal and had a great time chatting. We played the game True Colors and learned new things about each other. Each of us learned what everyone thought of us too. Good thing we are all great friends and love each other!

Sometimes we get too rowdy and it's hard to take a picture of us grown ups too!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

behind bars

Hopefully this is not indicative of our little monkeys' futures.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

little boys

Mischievous Grins
Author: unknown

Little boys come in all shapes and sizes,
Shy and adventurous,
full of surprises,
With misshapen halos and mischievous grins,
Small dirty faces, and sweet, sticky chins.
They'll keep you so busy, and yet all the while
Nothing can brighten the world like their smile.
And no greater treasure has brought homes more joy
Than a curious, active, and lovable boy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Austin at work

It looks like Austin is going to be just as hard a worker as his Daddy.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

our feathered friend

This morning we had a little visitor in our backyard. A baby Martin fell out of our bird house and was hopping around in our yard. The boys were very excited to see it and even caught it a worm to eat.

The boys ended up running around in the sprinklers wearing only their skivvies. Good thing the bird was in the backyard or the neighbors would have seen this...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

everyone poops

My cousin gave my boys the book Everyone Poops hoping it would inspire them to become potty trained. It's a really graphic book, so of course my kids love it. It's slightly disturbing, but I guess I have to get use to that with two boys.

It worked and my big boy Ethan now is potty trained! It's true what they say... "when they are ready, they are ready". We had tried sticker charts, rewards, new undies and running around the house naked, and nothing had worked. Then one morning Eric decided to put underwear on Ethan and for some reason, it clicked. After one week of no pooping in the potty, he finally started to do it. Let's just say I did lots of laundry that week. After he did it once though, he did it almost every time. He now runs to the bathroom all by himself and calls me if he needs any help. Who would have thought pooping in the potty could make a mommy so proud?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

You know you are getting old when...

You actually want to go to a fabric store on your 32nd birthday.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Camping at Ink's Lake

What camping is all about...

Fishing for farm animals in a tent with friends

Staying up late to roast marshmallows

Chasing armadillos

Seesawing with friends

Checking out the pier

Hanging out in the sun at Ink's Lake

Canoeing with family and friends

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Daddy with Ethan

***************Daddy with Austin****************
************* Daddy with his boys**************

Thanks for being such a great Daddy to our boys.
We love you very much!