Monday, August 24, 2015

First day of school 2015

 First day of school 2015!

Ethan - 5th grade
Austin - 4th grade
Lauren - 1st grade

They jumped on the bus with their friends this morning.

 Lauren and Madi held hands all the way to their classrooms.  So sweet!

 We are so excited about Lauren's teacher.  Austin had her for first grade too!

It's the last year all the kids will all be at the same school!  We sure love these kiddos and are praying they have a great year!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ethan's 10th birthday

Ethan celebrated his 10th birthday with friends at Main Event and then had a sleepover.  
(Jake, Aidan, Austin, Ethan, Hudson and Nathan)

They did great at rock climbing!

Welcome to double digits Ethan!  We love you!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Round Rock Express game

This May we took the kids to see the Round Rock Express.  Rachel, Jackie and I posing in the suite.

The kids had a great time until...

Ethan got hit in the nose with a foul ball.  We were standing near the bathrooms where you can't even see the field.  So random! He was fine though and he got the ball and free tickets to another game. 

It was such a fun night! 

These kiddos are pretty great!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Cheer Camp

Lauren went to Rouse Cheer Camp with her friends!

She loved learning the cheers.

It was so fun to watch her perform!

She loved her cheerleading coach.

We were shocked when our tiny little girl was a base and not a birdie!  Lol! She had so much fun and wants to do it again next season.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

Me and my sweeties

My family 

Grandma and the kids

My parents and the kids

Happy Mother's Day to us!

After church we headed to Felisha and Jared's to swim.  It was a wonderful Mother's Day!


We started our summer break off in Wimberley!  Trent and Trevor came to help us at Market Days.

We were quite the full house with 2 adults, 2 teenagers, 3 kids and two dogs.

Saturday morning a vendor found two tiny kittens snuggled on her merchandise.  We quickly scooped them up and took care of them. Since there was no sign of the mother, we had to decide what to do with them. 

Since Eric loves cats and Lauren has been obsessed with cats since birth, we decided to get them some kitten milk and tiny bottles while we tried to find the mom.

They were so tiny!  We guess they were 2 1/2 weeks old.

 After looking for the mom for a day and a half, we decided to keep them.  We figured we could give them a happier life than being a feral cat.  We actually saw a bobcat and a fox at Market Days and that sealed the deal for me!  The kids named them Wimber and Summer.  Wimber for Wimberley and Summer since we found them the first week of Summer.

Lauren said "I wished on every star for a kitten and it finally came true!".

Ethan was happy too.

Austin and Zander

The kitties will be outdoor cats.  When they were tiny, we kept them in a cage when we weren't playing with them or feeding them.  Now they roam in the garage when we aren't home and play with us in the backyard when we are.  Since we live on a greenbelt, we will put them in the garage each night to keep them safe.

We bottle fed them for 5 weeks!

We were worried about how Sadie would be with them, but she has been amazing!  She's a great mom!

Roxy loves to play with them.

While I was at work one day, Eric and the kids made little boxes for them to play in.  They loved it!

Best summer entertainment ever!

We sure love our little kitties!