An interview with an 8 year old - Ethan 2013

A couple years ago we started the tradition of interviewing the kids on their birthday to see what their favorite things are. I think it will be so fun to look back on the interviews later and see how their answers have changed!

What is your favorite number?
Favorite letter?
Favorite color?
Honey Nut Cheerios


Ice cream

Favorite thing about school?
Having fun with my friends

Favorite thing to do at home?
Play on my tablet
Favorite thing to do outside?
Play dragons
Favorite book?
If I Ran the Zoo

Favorite movie?
The Lorax

TV Show?
Dual Survivor


Place to visit?
Sea World
Who are your best friends?
Vivian, Carter, Charlie, Austin and Aiden

Favorite toy?
Favorite stuffed animal?
Favorite thing to do with mommy?
Snuggle and talk

Favorite thing to do with daddy?

Favorite thing to do with Austin?
Play Smurf Village

Favorite thing to do with Lauren?
Bug her!

What makes you happy?
 My tablet and drawing

What makes you sad?
When someone dies

What do you want to learn to do this year?
Conquer my temper

How many kids do you want to have?
Three. Two boys and one girl.
Where do you want to live when you grow up?
Next door to Mommy and Daddy

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Pet store owner

Happy 8th Birthday Ethan!  We love you so much!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We spent Thanksgiving at Gege and Grandaddy's this year.  It was wonderful to spend time with the newly expanded Pinkerton family! 

Ethan and Eric look so much alike!

Our family shot!

The kids had a great time with their cousins.  Always so much fun to spend time with family!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September so far

My computer is still not working, so Instagram pictures from my phone are all I can do for now. Boo hoo!

Soccer season is here!  The boys are on the same team again and this time they have even more friends on their team.  They are loving it and are playing better than ever.

My parents went to Lauren's school for Grandparents' Day.  Isn't this card she made them so cute?

 Introducing Blaze!  When the terrarium in this glass vase got spilled, I re-purposed it into a home for a new fish.  The kids were very excited to get a Beta and I like having him keep me company while I wash dishes.

September Market Days was hot!  It's always fun, but we are really looking forward to cooler weather!  

Monday, September 9, 2013


If you know me, you know I love roadrunners! 

 I was so excited to see one in my backyard!  The kids were excited too!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Instagram catch up continued

My tunnel at work

My new obsession. 

Lauren and Madi had fun at the beauty salon. 

So love my baby girl. 


Kirby is so studious in her old age. 

Austin's old tablet bit the dust so Eric bought him another one. He's a sucker for Austin. 

Love Jack Allen's and love my neighbors! 

Instagram catch up!


Hammock time

Sweetie pie

Favorite tree in Wimberley

Sadie + bubbles = FUN

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lauren's fashion show

I've been saving fabric to make Lauren dresses for a long time. With my job and busy family schedule, I knew I would never get around to making them myself. I asked our sweet neighbor at Market Days to sew them up for Lauren and she did a great job!

I sure love this little girl. She is so much fun!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Dear Blog,

I miss you. Hope to spend more time with you soon.


Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I finally got brave enough to cut up all my favorite Anna Maria fabrics.  I LOVE how this quilt turned out!  It's a small lap quilt, but the perfect size for me to cover up with on the couch.  It was relatively easy to make and a quilt as you go pattern.

The kids like it too!

I made this quilt a few months ago when Austin's 1st grade teacher was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Erica made a quilt like this one for Grace's teacher last year and loaned me all the pens and muslin to whip this up.  I made it in one week so Austin's teacher would have it with her for her first chemo treatment.

She loved it!  I hope it gave her a little comfort knowing how loved and appreciated she is!
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