Wednesday, September 26, 2012

5 years of blogging!

5 years ago today I started this blog.  994 post later, I'm still blogging!  

My first blog post was back in September of 2007 when Austin was just 17 months old.

I love looking back to when the boys were so small,

Seeing how much they have grown,

remembering the lake house,

family pictures at the trees,

family vacations,

my growing belly,

our growing family,

lots of firsts,

more family pictures,

Wimberley fun,

moments I never want to forget,

and family celebrations.

I'm love how blogging really does help me to "soak it all in" and focus on the important things in life God has blessed us with!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

shots in Schulenburg

Last weekend we headed to Schulenburg for camping and dove hunting.  Eric surprised the boys with new BB guns.

The boys had fun shooting cans and water bottles.

They even got in on some dove hunting with Eric, Hayden and Jared.

Our little fisherman

It was a fun, relaxing weekend with friends! 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Family pics

My grandma came in town a couple weeks ago to see us!  She is 91 and lives alone in the house my mom grew up in.  She is amazing!

My parents

Family shot

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

shaving fun

The boys had fun "shaving" with Eric one morning.

I didn't want to leave Lauren out, so I taught her how to "shave" her legs.  There are no pictures of that fun!

Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm officially...

a quilter.

The other day as I was talking to a new friend, I told her I made quilts.  I didn't say the words "I'm a quilter", but I told her I'd made a couple quilts.  After thinking about it, I realized I've actually made 9 quilts.  WOW!  How did that happen?  I never set out to be a quilter.  I love am obsessed with  fabric and the best way to showcase them is in a quilt.  I also love how sentimental they are to me. 

Next up, a quilt for the living room!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I Spy Quilt

After 2 years in the making, my I Spy quilt is finally done!  It took a long time to collect 264 different fabrics.  I wanted it to be big enough for our family of 5 to sit on it and I'm so glad I took my time.

After I took it out of the dryer, the kids immediately began to snuggle under it and play I Spy.  I'm so happy they appreciate the things I make for them and love them as much as I do.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Pirate Austin

Last night Austin came in to our room and told me his eye hurt.  Half asleep, I figured he had an eyelash in it and told him to blink a lot and go back to sleep.  

This is how I found him this morning!  What a cutie!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Backyard tour

Here's a little tour of our backyard.  It is definitely a work in progress! 

Back patio

We use this side yard to play soccer, hit golf balls and throw the baseball.

Our main yard will eventually have a deck coming off the back patio and extending down the house.  Eric fixed the sprinkler system and the sod we layed in July is doing well.  We still need to lay some along the fence. 

We have big plans for the other side yard.  More to come...

Monday, September 10, 2012

10 on 10

Ten on Ten: 10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}


"Little Tornado" destroyed the boys' room immediately after they left for school.

Eric and I drank coffee on the back patio and enjoyed the gorgeous cool weather.

The deer stopped by to say hello.

Lauren fell asleep in our bed watching a cartoon.  First time ever! 

Eric mowed the greenbelt.  Shh, it's a secret since it's not allowed in the HOA rules.

Lauren likes to chase the school bus to the bus stop.

Poor Eric couldn't watch football with the kids around.


While the boys took a bath, Lauren snuck under Austin's bed and played his DS. She is such a mess!