Monday, March 26, 2012

Soccer season has begun

Saturday we went to the boys second soccer game of the season.  We are so happy because both boys have great coaches this year!  Ethan's game was up first at 9.  He did great and as you can see from the smile on his face, he really enjoys it.

Ethan scored one of the two goals his team made!  He was so excited and we were very proud of him.

Austin's game was up next at 10. 

Austin scored nine goals and had one assist!  He is very competitive and loves the game.  It's really fun to watch! 

We are proud of our soccer boys!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break part 2 - Arlington

We spent the second half of our Spring Break in Arlington with Eric's family.  We love hanging out at their house and were so happy Jenn and Kai's family stayed there too!  The kids love spending time with their cousins.  They had races, sang kareoke, played games and watched movies.

Friday we headed to Glen Rose to check out Dinosaur Valley State Park.  After carefully navigating through the rushing water, we checked out the dinosaur tracks and went for a hike.

The hike started off pretty flat in the beginning...

Then we found the cliffs!

The kids had fun exploring a cave.

Granddaddy and Lauren enjoying the view.

After our hike, we checked out the dinosaurs.

We had fun geocaching too!

We ended our fun trip to Arlington at the restaurant Eric worked at in high school.  It's seriously the brightest, most decorated place I've ever been. 

We had a wonderful time in Arlington and it was so nice to spend time with our family!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring Break part 1 - Schulenburg

We enjoyed the first part of our spring break in Schulenburg with Felisha and Jared's family.  It was rainy the first couple of days, but we didn't mind.  It gave us a chance to relax! 

We had fun exploring the streams.

We played in the waterfall and the kids built a dam.  The loved it!

Then the sun came out!

The kids loved the paddle boat!

We love spending time in Schulenburg and are grateful our friends included us on their family trip!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

9 days

Our house went on the market Friday, March 9th right as we pulled out of our driveway for our Spring Break vacation.  

As we arrived home from our trip on March 18th, we received an offer! 

We are so excited and relieved to not have to juggle maintaining a perfect house with three kids and a dog!

Right now the kids are at school, the house is clean and I'm one happy momma!

Now it's time to find a new house!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Last week Ethan was in his school's first grade play Arf!  All the kids dressed up as dogs and sang really cute songs.

 Ethan loved being up on stage and we really enjoyed the play.

My parents came to cheer him on too.

We were so proud of our little doggie!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I have the best in-laws ever.  Sorry.  Don't be jealous.  It's true. 

Jan and Leon came the Friday before Lauren's party and stayed with us for 10 days to help us get our house ready to sell.  Leon painted and caulked the entire outside of the house, fixed trellises in the attic and repaired the pillars on the porches.  Jan helped me take care of the kids while painting the entire kitchen, master bedroom, touching up the entire house and repainting the baseboards.  Did I mention how awesome they are?


We have been working non-stop for a couple weeks now and our house is finally ready!  It will go on the market Thursday night!  Eric and I are very excited, tired, anxious, hopeful and sad.  We love our house, but know the time is right for our family.

Thank you Jan and Leon for helping us so much!  We couldn't have done it without you.  We are so grateful and love you very much!